Might I suggest...

a way to go about this?

We are all over the place, if I am not mistaken, and It might be hard to get the same books to read at the same time. An idea would be for each memeber to write a review of any great books they have recently read and anyone who reads the book can leave their comments at the end of the specific book post. Its kind of a way for us to know of good books to read, without us all having to order books online and all that. If you can access the book, great...if you cant, you know to look out for it for whenever.


Tori... well done... I like that idea.

3:51 AM  

Yeah i agree thats a good idea! well i'm reading something borrowed and will leave a review on how far i've gotten!

9:54 AM  

Greta Idea!

9:15 AM  

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