Anybody out there?

NA WA O!!!!!

Where are the updates from my fellow Book Club Blog members??? WHERE?

Anyway, I read Wole Soyinka's 'Ake' and I really liked it... it was so funny! There were some sad parts BUT he told the whole story from a child's perspective so you could tell he was confused by death.

For a grown man to have written a book, so so well from a child's perspective... BEAUTIFUL!

READ this book if you can get a hold of it!

Currently Reading: Finding Fish by Antwone Fisher, did any of you watch the Denzel Washington directed 'Antwone Fisher'? The movie was based on this book. I am halfway through it and I must admit the first few pages were not great but now I'm on page 193, I read the book anytime I can get a free minute or two.

Has anyone read it? What's you think of it?


I'd been reading excerpts of Ake over the years from various English textbooks. Essay and Wild Christian intrigued me but no matter how hard I tried to find it, I couldn't get it in Nigeria.

Imagine my surprise when I was scouring the featured books in my university library and saw a copy of Ake? I checked it out that instant.

Talk about a writer being known better elsewhere.

11:16 AM  

Well, I've been having some silly escapades so I haven't done any reading.

I'm still trying to see if I can collaborate with Vickii on one book. I might order Adichie's Purple Hibiscus in the near future so we have one book in common...

11:21 AM  

Ok, I'll wait to see your review on Purple Hibiscus when you read it.

And Ake...?

3:05 AM  

Love Soyinka! I'm reading 'You must set forth at dawn',and have read Ibadan and Ake. His way with words is should read his two page description of Fela in 'You must set forth'. Goosebump stuff men!

12:01 PM  

Purple Hibiscus is a good book because it talks about Nigeria in a time when things were still new and people were not quite sure how to accept the whole western influence. Its pretty interesting. I think everyone should read it anyway... :).

I have not read Wole Soyinka's book just yet, but i'm getting suckered in by someone very close to me. I have read a few quote from him and i love his way with words... so think i'll invest in some Wole Soyinka. ;) I'll let you know what i think when i'm done!

1:27 AM  

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